Product Details
When is Varahi Homam performed:
Varahi Homam is considered one of the fundamental ceremonies in Hindu conviction. In India, it is performed prominently in all temples during the Navaratri celebration. It is likewise performed on favorable days like Panchami (5th Day), Vasanta Panchami, Ashtami (eighth Moon stage), Navami (ninth Moon stage), Chaturdasi (fourteenth Moon stage), Magha Amavasya (New Moon in the period of Magha month, Maasi in Tamil) ( Mid Feb-Mid March), Jyestha Amavasya (New Moon in the long stretch of Jyestha ( Mid-June-Mid July), Chitra ( Mid-April-Mid May) and Karthigai (Mid Nov-Mid Dec)Pournami (Full Moon). Most importantly, All Amavasya days are favorable for performing Varahi Homam.
Advantages of Rathi Manmatha Pooja: For Harmonious Husband-Wife & Love Relationship. Doing Rathi Manmatha Pooja on Vasant Panchami is considered very powerful as well as sacred and quick result giving one.
Advantages of Naga Pooja: Performing Naga Pooja on Vasant Panchami will eradicate all Doshas of Sarpam (Naga Dosham, Sevvai Dosham, etc.,)
Advantages of Performing Varahi Homam:
Impediments and condemnations dispensed from the horoscope of an individual.
Favors of well-being, riches, and flourishing
Freedom from the evil eye, psychic attacks, misfortune, and black magic
Triumph over foes
It helps fix any genuine, substantial afflictions.
Rectifies any unwanted impacts from Dosha
Help from agony and languishing
Satisfies any desires
Achieves salvation
Gives pardoning and expiation of sins.
Place: Rudra Parihaar Raksha Centre, Lake View Rd, West Mambalam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600033
Date: 26.01.23 Time: 3:00 PM
Prasadam: Varahi Karungali Rakshai (One Per Set of Sankalpam) Varahi Kumkum, Manmatha Akshadhai, Naga Haridra (Manjal)
Pooja Clips can be seen in Live while starting and ending at https://www.youtube.com/c/amanushyamastrologyremedies